Hi there, thank you so much for being here! I’m Mary-Pat; A CT native, wife, recent dog mom, world traveler, blogger and aspiring functional medicine health coach. I am here to share my journey as I fearlessly pursue the life of my dreams and transform into the most authentic version of myself possible, in the hopes of inspiring you to do the same.
For far too long I allowed myself to measure my success based on the scale provided to us by society. I had taken all of the “appropriate steps” but felt empty inside. I longed for more than just a university degree and a big girl job. I had dreams of seeing the world, of living in faraway places. Just about everyone I know probably thinks I’m a little bit crazy, but to me there is something so magical about landing in a city you’ve never been to, one where you don’t know a single soul.

Over the last 5 years, I have worked tirelessly to drown out the opinions of others, honing my intuition and developing the relationship I have with myself. This has allowed me to confidently make the choices that will best serve me and my life, and it’s where the magic started to happen.
I have been on an incredible journey across 6 continents, 43 countries, and countless cities. I have ridden a camel through and camped in the Sahara Desert. I have sailed the Whitsunday Islands and snorkeled the Great Barrier Reef. I traveled the circumference of the globe over a span of two months and lived abroad for close to three years. All of these epic life moments were made possible by one decision: STOP CARING WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK OF YOUR DREAM!

I have often been told that my dreams are crazy, unrealistic, selfish, you name it. However, over the years I have realized that the only one who needs to hold that dream vision is YOU! It doesn’t matter if your mom or sister or partner understand. It doesn’t matter if it’s not what society at large expects of you. If the last two years have taught us anything, it’s that life is freaking fragile, and it needs to be lived now!
So come along, and I’ll show you how to live YOUR most authentic life, whatever that may look like to you!