As I write this blog post, my sweet baby boy sleeps peacefully next to me. If I am completely honest though, I wasn’t always sure motherhood was the right path for me. In fact, for the majority of my life I was convinced that kids didn’t fit into my adventurous lifestyle. I believed that they would hold me back from my dreams of traveling the world, and that life would be over once I became a mom. So how did I come to change my mind? I hired my first life coach of course!

In November of 2021, I found myself at a crossroads. I was recently married, and the thought of having children was starting to cross our minds. However, deep down there was this lingering fear holding me back. This is where having an incredible coach came in handy! If you are unfamiliar, a huge part of the coaching process is exploring limiting beliefs that hold us back from living our best, most expansive life. Throughout my three months with my coach Lauren, we peeled back my beliefs about motherhood, and it changed everything!

During a visualization exercise, I could picture my husband and I on a campervan adventure with our future child. I could so clearly see us enjoying our travels and visiting National Parks together. An idea was planted that day; perhaps I don’t have to choose between having an incredibly adventurous, fun life and being a mom. Maybe, just maybe it would be possible to do both!

If you know me, you know I have always challenged the status quo. At 25 years old, I left everything behind to teach English abroad and never looked back. I never believed in conforming to society’s definition of success when it comes to career, so why should motherhood be any different?! I realized I was ready to create my own path in this aspect of my life as well.
Fast forward to present day, and my husband and I just took our 7 month old baby on his first campervan adventure in Joshua Tree National Park. As I write this I get emotional knowing that this trip was over two years in the making. To be able to have this experience was a literal dream come true!

I share my story to remind you that it does NOT have to be either or… YOU. CAN. HAVE. IT. ALL! There is so much beauty and freedom in doing things on your own terms. Maybe you are an avid traveler who likes the idea of having kids but is afraid it would hold her back. Or maybe, you are a mom who feels like she has lost a part of herself post-partum and wants to get back to her adventurous self. This blog is all about living your best life and taking your kids along for the ride!

Hiring a life coach completely changed the trajectory of my life, so much so that I decided to become one myself! My purpose in life is to help women to create the most genuine and authentic life possible, whatever that looks like to you. I empower women to break out of societal conditioning and create their own version of success. If any of this resonates, book a free discovery call with me at I can’t wait to hear from you!